Collecting Wild Seeds

We caution against collecting seeds from the wild, as harvesting seeds may damage wild plant populations and interfere in the ecosystem functions that seeds perform in their natural setting. Only collect wild seeds from public lands if you have obtained a Scientific Collector’s Permit issued by RI DEM.

If collecting seeds on private property, make sure to obtain permission from the property owner beforehand. It is best to get written permission and carry it with you, in case you should be questioned about your activities. Only save seeds from plants that you have observed over time and can accurately and positively identify. And only harvest a small fraction of the available seeds.

We encourage saving seeds from plants that you yourself have propagated. Native plant seeds can be obtained through many reputable sources, including online nurseries such as eco59, Bluestem Natives, The Wild Seed Project, Everwilde, Prairie Moon Nursery, and Vermont Wildflower Farm. University extensions, wild plant societies, garden clubs, and other organizations may be willing to share seeds upon request. Avoid sources that collect seeds or specimens from the wild.