Collection Development Policy


Exeter Public Library collects creative and informational works of many genres in a variety of print and digital media, to serve the interests and needs of town residents. While taking care to collect works of significant and lasting cultural value, the library focuses on popular use rather than scholarly research. The purpose of this policy is to support library staff in selecting for and maintaining the library’s collections of materials, as well as to inform the public regarding the ongoing building and maintenance of the library’s collections.

Inclusivity and Nondiscrimination

Esteeming the individual interests of all Exeter residents, regardless of who they are, the Library seeks to provide access to materials that serve a widest range of needs and represent a widest range of subjects and viewpoints, without prejudice or discrimination. Materials will not be excluded on grounds of the origin, background, or views of their authors. While making numerous accessions on a continual basis and with the intent to be nondiscriminatory and inclusive, the Library cannot avoid selecting controversial items. On the other hand, it is not possible for the library to purchase all items that may be of use to residents. Procedures for submitting a request for reconsideration of library material are outlined in this policy to guide those who wish to protest an item’s presence in or absence from the library’s collections.

Selection Responsibility and Criteria

Selection of Library materials is the responsibility of the Library Director and the Youth Services Librarian, with input from other members of the staff and from the public. In addition to staff’s professional knowledge and resources, the following criteria guide and determine the Library’s selection:

  • Relevance of material to the interests and needs of the community. Preference is given to popular works and to works of wide general interest. Relevance is determined by usage, recommendations and requests, and the informed opinion of the selectors.
  • Popular notice in the form of mentions, comments, articles, reviews, etc.
  • Critical notice and accolade for works of outstanding quality or merit. For older works, an enduring reputation of value or worth.
  • Suitability of the item to circulate and remain in good condition.
  • Proportionate cost and affordability of the item.

Maintenance and Weeding

The library’s collections are continually updated to reflect the interests and needs of the community, and as shelving space necessitates. Library staff shall review collections on a regular basis using both observation and statistics to ensure the quality, relevance, usefulness, and seemly appearance of library collections.

The deaccessioning or removal of unsuitable library items is known as “weeding.” Books and other items have a lifespan of usefulness. Items become worn or damaged, information becomes outdated, norms and preferences change, etc. As in the garden, weeding library collections makes room for new accessions, increases visibility for valuable older items, and improves the quality and usefulness of the selection. To guide how materials are weeded, the Library supports and adopts CREW: A Weeding Manual for Modern Libraries. CREW is a widely recognized set of standards that lays out general principles while giving further guidelines for specific categories of material.

The primary factors that determine whether an item is deaccessioned are:

  • Condition
  • Relevance to the interests and needs of the community
  • Accuracy and timeliness of information
  • Recent demand or usage
  • Number of copies available at other libraries

Items that are no longer suitable for the Library’s collections will be deleted from the catalog and disposed of as appropriate. The Library Director has final authority as to the disposition of deaccessioned library material.

Patron Recommendations

The Library celebrates the knowledge of its patrons in building collections of both wide and deep interest. Patron recommendations are accepted and recorded howsoever submitted and the selectors will consider all recommendations for purchase. However, the library only purchases items that meet its selection criteria.

Self-Published Material and Local Authors

The Library encourages and supports the endeavors of local creative artists, including authors. Self-published local authors are encouraged to donate or recommend their works for possible inclusion in the library’s collections. The same selection criteria apply to self-published works as to other materials. Once added, the same criteria for deaccessioning items apply to self-published works as to other materials.

Reconsideration of Library Material

Esteeming the individual interests of all residents, regardless of who they are, as aforementioned, Exeter Public Library seeks to provide access to materials that serve a widest range of needs and represent a widest range of subjects and viewpoints, without prejudice or discrimination. While making numerous accessions on a continual basis and with the intent to be nondiscriminatory and inclusive, the Library cannot avoid selecting controversial items. We support intellectual freedom and endorse the American Library Association (ALA) Freedom to Read StatementFreedom to View Statement, the Library Bill of Rights and all relevant interpretations.

Nevertheless, we will make every attempt to hear and understand patron concerns about library items and to address those concerns short of ideological censorship or abridgment of another person’s rights to ideas and information. A patron objecting to library material should contact the Library Director to make their concerns known and to arrive at an understanding or solution. If their concerns are not allayed, they are encouraged to submit a Request for Reconsideration of Library Material (see form attached). Only specifically identified items will be considered, and only complete and signed forms will be considered as follows:

  • The Library Director will acknowledge receipt of the form within one week.
  • The Library Director and, if necessary, the Youth Services Librarian will review the request and the item in question to determine whether it meets the Library’s selection criteria and to recommend the appropriate disposition of the item.
  • The Library Director will bring the recommendation to the Library Board of Trustees, who will issue the final decision in writing to the patron who submitted the request.
  • If unsatisfied with the decision, the patron may appeal directly, in writing, to the Library Board of Trustees.

During this process, the material in question will remain on the shelf and available for circulation.

Approved by the Exeter Public Library Board of Trustees 4/21/2022